Sunday Book Prompt Tag

Happy Sunday & Happy Father's Day!!

I always enjoy looking around for new books to lose myself into. Whether it's fantasy, biography or romance, I love reading reviews here at Booklikes and adding stuff in my to be read pile. And that's the beauty of this site and how it stands out from goodreads, for example. It encourages discussion more I think, without promoting the 'most read' or the 'most anticipated' books. There is nothing wrong with those kind of lists, but I always find that I enjoy digging around to find my next read. And what better way than reading a passionate review by someone whose opinion you respect?


Inspired by posts by Moonlight Reader and Irresponsible Reader, I wanted to start another sort of weekly book discussion: I will think of a prompt and you can share your book experience related to it. It can be either a book you want to read or a book you can't stop talking about and just need another excuse to recommend it. Feel free to come up with your own idea prompts and don't forget to tag it "sundaybookprompt". My hope is to get to know each other a little bit better and of course discover great books in the process!


❀The first book prompt is: A place in your heart. 


❀For me, the first one that comes to mind is a book of fairy tales my grandfather gifted to me when I was around eight years old. It was a super old copy from my mom's childhood that he re-binded. Unfortunately, it got lost through the years of moving but I will never forget how much I appreciated the gift.


Après la pluie, le beau temps

During those long summers of my childhood, our bookcase hosted all sort of books: mystery, selfhelp, biographies, romance, fantasy. Whatever the adults had bought over the years it ended up there and I would read it. Mostly greek authors, but some were translated works from french usually, as my mom is a french teacher. Comtesse de Ségur's "Après la pluie, le beau temps", translated roughly to 'after a storm the sun will come out', was a book I would read every summer since I can remember.

It has a special place in my heart because it's the first big book I remember reading that didn't come recommended by an adult. And as it was not written in modern greek, rather in an older dialect, it felt like a huge accomplishment. 


❀Which book has a place in your heart?